The Bachelor Recap: Week 2
Aliza Faragher
Bachelor Ben Higgins was vibing hard core this week on his two group dates and one-on-one date. There was obviously lots of drama, tons of side-eye, and even more tears. Ben also unleashed his wild side and made out with a ton of women. He played the celibate-seeming Midwesterner first week, but that changed a lot this episode, and we can only guess it's going to get better from here. Ben let out his wild Aries side, and it's not disappearing any time soon.
Lace highlight of the week: Her one-on-one chat with Olivia
The Lace-Olivia duo is about to be the best rivalry or the most intense alliance this show has ever seen.
Sign prediction: Aries. Lace is outgoing, confident, and knows what she wants. Her sensitive and insecure side, however, is also really prevalent and could be her downfall. We saw some hints of that in this most recent episode when she talked about her awkward hair days and said, "I have an intense personality. I used to be dorky as a kid." Here, here Lace.
Real MVP: Jubilee
First of all, she's stunning. Second, her name is Jubilee and she's the real damn thing. Jubilee opened up to Ben this episode and talked about her childhood. She was adopted when she was 6 and lived in an orphanage. Jubilee is also a war veteran, so she's a true American hero and DGAFs when it comes to these other crazy ladies in the house. She also looked flawless in her purple dress and she and Ben shared that steamy MO sesh.
Sign prediction: Taurus. Jubilee is down to earth, but also not afraid to go after what she wants.
Bachelor Enemy #1: Olivia
Olivia is more than mildly frightening. She's literally a Fox News anchor which is one thing, but also, HOW CAN HER MOUTH OPEN THAT BIG?! Olivia is the picture-perfect go-getter. She has her prize in mind—Ben—and doesn't mind running everyone over to get there. Sure, she scored a 7.4 / 10 on the compatibility test, but she is burning major bridges with the other women in the house.
Sign prediction: Leo. Olivia is outspoken, outgoing, and extremely ambitious. Her advice to "go out and get what you want" felt very Leo.
The Wildcard: Amanda
Amanda had a lot of airtime this episode, which means something really good or really bad was bound to happen to her. She kind of looks like Lauren Conrad, but in other news, she has two daughters and it was important to her that she told Ben about them. Ben seemed to take it well, but that means if he stayed with Amanda, he would be jumping straight into a family. I predict Amanda will make it a few more episodes, but not much longer.
Sign prediction: Virgo. She is very quiet and timid, but once she opens up, you can really understand more of her personality. It was a little too much when she started crying because she didn't get the group date rose, but Ben made it up to her so well when they made barrettes together for her kids.
WTF moment: Ice Cube & Kevin Cameo
The Bachelor always needs some good comic relief, and Kevin Hart and Ice Cube's cameo was pretty much just that.
We can't wait til next week to see what other emotional roller coasters will occur.