Is Anyone Surprised that DJ Khaled is a Sagittarius?
Aliza Faragher
Up until relatively recently, DJ Khaled was just another name featured on a rap song, along with his infamous "DJ KHAAALED" yell before the first verse. DJ Khaled, however, has taken the Snapchat and social media world by storm. If you haven't already started following him on Snapchat, do so immediately. If you don't have a Snapchat, fear not! DJ Khaled's Instagram features many of the same videos seen on his MyStory.
Sagittarius season is quickly coming to a close, and DJ Khaled has turned into the Sag we never knew we needed. Once you realize DJ Khaled is a Sagittarius, everything makes more sense.
He's super philosophical and gives new meaning to #blessed and bless up
He's a free and wild spirit who loves adventure, especially when it comes to jet skiing
He cares a lot about his appearance
He's extremely positive
DJ Khaled ain't afraid to tell you the truth
Like any good fire sign, he loves winning
It is abundantly clear that the real key to success is following DJ Khaled on all forms of social media. Live and love his inspiration, just don't get lost at sea.