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6 Reasons Why we Love Aquarians

Aliza Faragher

Like any good air sign, Aquarians are always on the move bringing their positive vibes and energy with them everywhere they go. Aquarius is the water bearer, therefore they are always looking out for the welfare of other people. They're some of the best companions to have around, so don't take your Aquarius friendship or relationship for granted. If you haven't already figured it out, Aquarians are easy to love, and here's why.

They're easy-going and totally chill

Aquarians are leaders, but not tyrants

An Aquarius can always make you laugh or feel better after a bad day

They crave adventure and movement

Aquarians are always down for some intellectual stimulation

They are people by, of, and for the people

Top 5 Aquarius Trendsetters

Aliza Faragher

It's officially Aquarius season! Chances are, one of your good friends is an Aquarius, which makes sense because Aquarians are some of the friendliest people in the zodiac. They are positive, great listeners, and adaptable. It's always good to have an Aquarius by your side because they are also total trailblazers and leaders. Here are some of our favorite trendsetting Aquarians.

Oprah Winfrey (January 29)

Oprah is one of the most influential and powerful women in the world. Her Aquarius sensibilities keep her down-to-earth and easy to talk to.

Oprah is one of the most influential and powerful women in the world. Her Aquarius sensibilities keep her down-to-earth and easy to talk to.

Dr. Dre (February 18)

He's an Aquarius with attitude and totally helped transform rap music.

He's an Aquarius with attitude and totally helped transform rap music.

Abraham Lincoln (February 12)

The Emancipation Proclamation. That is all.

The Emancipation Proclamation. That is all.

Clark Gable (February 1)

Frankly, we definitely give a damn about his impact on Hollywood.

Frankly, we definitely give a damn about his impact on Hollywood.

Ellen DeGeneres (January 26)

Like any good Aquarius, Ellen can always make us laugh.

Like any good Aquarius, Ellen can always make us laugh.

These 5 epic trendsetters show exactly how awesome and powerful Aquarians can be. Here's to a powerful start to Aquarius season!

The Bachelor Recap: The Stars Were Not Shining Bright

Aliza Faragher

This week's episode of The Bachelor definitely felt like some Mercury in retrograde action was going on. It felt like a pretty weak episode overall, but drama kicked in high gear at the rose ceremony when everyone was ganging up on Jubilee for giving Ben a massage. As everyone on the show would say, "literally" give the guy a break. This episode was sort of a disappointment and underwhelming, but we know more Olivia drama will be coming in the near future. Also, everyone needs to cut Jubilee some slack. They just don't get it.

Question of the night: Why is Ben so obsessed with hot tubs??

There was a hot tub involved in both one-on-one dates PLUS the random, awkward time he and Caila ended up in a hot tub with Ice Cube and Kevin Hart. Maybe Ben is just trying to live that Cali lifestyle while he can, but it's kinda bizarre how he's always in a hot tub on dates. We know he's a Pisces-Aries cusp, so he's mixing his overly sexual and sensual emotions for some cool date vibes. Hopefully he can come up with some better date ideas. Lauren B's quote, "At this point, I'm not even thinking about how this hot tub arrived in the middle of nowhere" pretty much hit the nail on the head.

Best gossip of the night: Olivia has weird toes

Ok...the fact that they're gossiping about her TOES is one thing, but it gets even better when Ben says he's having a rough day because family friends passed away and then Olivia steals him first to talk about her cankles. Girl needs to get a clue. But Olivia is so Leo-centric (or is she more Capricorn? thoughts?) that the only goal she sees is her future with Ben ("I will be the next Mrs. Ben Higgins").

Best random moment: Lace quotes her own tattoo

We need to give Lace some credit. We knew from the start that she was going to be one of the more vocal contestants, but she definitely blindsided us with her decision to go home. Good for you, Lace, for deciding to work on yourself first. Just like her tattoo says, "You can't love someone else if you don't love yourself". Truer words have never been spoken...or tattooed.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Capricorn

Aliza Faragher

As we head into MLK weekend, it's important to remember the man himself and not just enjoy the fact that we have Monday off from work. King represented and lived so many Capricorn beliefs: hard work, patience, dedication, and strength. He was the face of the Civil Rights movement and never let a few arrests get in his way of achieving his goal. Happy birthday, MLK.

From boycotts to councils, MLK was a leader

He led the Montgomery Bus Boycott and created the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

He led the Montgomery Bus Boycott and created the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

He was a gifted and talented orator

He won a Nobel Peace Prize

Nothing is and will be more Capricorn than having a national holiday named after you

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s legacy is powerful and important. Happy birthday to one of the most influential people in history. And, if you want to celebrate MLK even more, go watch Selma.

The Bachelor Recap: Week 2

Aliza Faragher

Bachelor Ben Higgins was vibing hard core this week on his two group dates and one-on-one date. There was obviously lots of drama, tons of side-eye, and even more tears. Ben also unleashed his wild side and made out with a ton of women. He played the celibate-seeming Midwesterner first week, but that changed a lot this episode, and we can only guess it's going to get better from here. Ben let out his wild Aries side, and it's not disappearing any time soon.

Lace highlight of the week: Her one-on-one chat with Olivia

The Lace-Olivia duo is about to be the best rivalry or the most intense alliance this show has ever seen.Sign prediction: Aries. Lace is outgoing, confident, and knows what she wants. Her sensitive and insecure side, however, is also really prevalen…

The Lace-Olivia duo is about to be the best rivalry or the most intense alliance this show has ever seen.

Sign prediction: Aries. Lace is outgoing, confident, and knows what she wants. Her sensitive and insecure side, however, is also really prevalent and could be her downfall. We saw some hints of that in this most recent episode when she talked about her awkward hair days and said, "I have an intense personality. I used to be dorky as a kid." Here, here Lace.

Real MVP: Jubilee

First of all, she's stunning. Second, her name is Jubilee and she's the real damn thing. Jubilee opened up to Ben this episode and talked about her childhood. She was adopted when she was 6 and lived in an orphanage. Jubilee is also a war veteran, s…

First of all, she's stunning. Second, her name is Jubilee and she's the real damn thing. Jubilee opened up to Ben this episode and talked about her childhood. She was adopted when she was 6 and lived in an orphanage. Jubilee is also a war veteran, so she's a true American hero and DGAFs when it comes to these other crazy ladies in the house. She also looked flawless in her purple dress and she and Ben shared that steamy MO sesh. 

Sign prediction: Taurus. Jubilee is down to earth, but also not afraid to go after what she wants.

Bachelor Enemy #1: Olivia

Olivia is more than mildly frightening. She's literally a Fox News anchor which is one thing, but also, HOW CAN HER MOUTH OPEN THAT BIG?! Olivia is the picture-perfect go-getter. She has her prize in mind—Ben—and doesn't mind running everyone over t…

Olivia is more than mildly frightening. She's literally a Fox News anchor which is one thing, but also, HOW CAN HER MOUTH OPEN THAT BIG?! Olivia is the picture-perfect go-getter. She has her prize in mind—Ben—and doesn't mind running everyone over to get there. Sure, she scored a 7.4 / 10 on the compatibility test, but she is burning major bridges with the other women in the house.

Sign prediction: Leo. Olivia is outspoken, outgoing, and extremely ambitious. Her advice to "go out and get what you want" felt very Leo.

The Wildcard: Amanda

Amanda had a lot of airtime this episode, which means something really good or really bad was bound to happen to her. She kind of looks like Lauren Conrad, but in other news, she has two daughters and it was important to her that she told Ben about …

Amanda had a lot of airtime this episode, which means something really good or really bad was bound to happen to her. She kind of looks like Lauren Conrad, but in other news, she has two daughters and it was important to her that she told Ben about them. Ben seemed to take it well, but that means if he stayed with Amanda, he would be jumping straight into a family. I predict Amanda will make it a few more episodes, but not much longer. 

Sign prediction: Virgo. She is very quiet and timid, but once she opens up, you can really understand more of her personality. It was a little too much when she started crying because she didn't get the group date rose, but Ben made it up to her so well when they made barrettes together for her kids.

WTF moment: Ice Cube & Kevin Cameo

The Bachelor always needs some good comic relief, and Kevin Hart and Ice Cube's cameo was pretty much just that.

The Bachelor always needs some good comic relief, and Kevin Hart and Ice Cube's cameo was pretty much just that.

We can't wait til next week to see what other emotional roller coasters will occur.


Aliza Faragher

Unleash your confidence.

Pisces, accept this: every sign wants what Pisces has. You’re the sweetest, and still the most fun. You’re soulful and sensitive, but still adventurous and empathetic. With your incredible sensitivity, your compassion makes you easily influenced by other people, and sometimes you lose sight of your personal goals. So this year, make an effort to stand your ground. Pisces is the most imaginative, creative sign. So trust in yourself, and your abilities will make you a successful powerhouse. Nothing is sexier than confidence, Pisces, and truly embrace all you have to offer. Make like Biebs and unleash the abilities you know deep down you have. And don’t just embrace it: act on it. You’ll reap major rewards when your turn your imagination into execution.


Remind yourself of your amazing Pisces abilities with a DEERDANA x Align Limited Edition Pisces pin. You deserve it.