Why Aries Mad?
Aliza Faragher
Aries are known for a lot of positive qualities such as leadership, passion, and spontaneity. Since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, it's common and predictable for these rams to be impatient and have quite the temper. Adding fuel to the (literal) Aries fire, these Rams have a tendency to be stubborn and get frustrated very easily. If you have an Aries in your life and they get angry about something, let them simmer while still giving them the attention they so deeply crave. Aries' rage can come at any moment, so pay attention to these scenarios. Next time, you'll have a better idea exactly why Aries responded to a situation in such a specific manner.
They got overly competitive and lost
^ This is exactly what Aries looks like when they lose.
They got overly impatient
When Aries wants something done, it needs to be NOW. Aries' impatience stems from their being a fire sign, so expect them to jump from idea to idea or activity to activity when something doesn't get done immediately.
Aries got proven wrong
Aries love and need to be right all the time, but if you prove them wrong, they'll resent you and probably become passive aggressive.
A love interest didn't reciprocate feelings
Aries love to be loved and are always upfront about their feelings for a love interest. Aries has a tendency to make it known they are interested in someone, but if those sentiments aren't returned, Aries can go down a deep spiral.
You didn't compliment Aries enough
Rectify that situation by complimenting them even more.