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Why Capricorns are the Best Business People

Aliza Faragher

Capricorns are known for their no-BS business attitude, making them infamous for being the hardest workers and ultimate leaders. Some of the greatest leaders, politicians, and influencers are Capricorns, which makes perfect sense. Capricorns are determined, confident, and ambitious, but aren't always business. Just like a perfect mullet, Capricorns are all business in the front, party in the back. Here are some of our favorite Capricorn business people and leaders, and exactly why they are the perfect mountain goats.

Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey is one of the most vivacious television hosts out there. Even after the Miss Universe saga, Harvey apologized, made fun of himself, and got back on the saddle.

Steve Harvey is one of the most vivacious television hosts out there. Even after the Miss Universe saga, Harvey apologized, made fun of himself, and got back on the saddle.

Benjamin Franklin

It's no surprise that a Capricorn is the face of the $100 bill. Benjamin Franklin was literally one of the biggest badasses of the 18th century. Is there anything he didn't do while helping to establish this country? Franklin was a politic…

It's no surprise that a Capricorn is the face of the $100 bill. Benjamin Franklin was literally one of the biggest badasses of the 18th century. Is there anything he didn't do while helping to establish this country? Franklin was a politician, inventor, scientist, and, according to National Treasure, first recommended daylight savings. He pretty much is Capricorn ambition to a t (and a little bit of that mullet too).

Justin Trudeau

In November, Trudeau became Canada's Prime Minister even though politics have always been in his family. Trudeau proves that English majors really can do just about anything, like become Prime Minister and then potentially legalize Mary Jane in Cana…

In November, Trudeau became Canada's Prime Minister even though politics have always been in his family. Trudeau proves that English majors really can do just about anything, like become Prime Minister and then potentially legalize Mary Jane in Canada. He's perfectly Capricorn because he's a supreme mixture of politics and chill.

Alexander Hamilton

Founding Father, creator of the Bank of the US, presidential nominee, and duel challenger. Only a Capricorn could do all of this. Really though, he died in a duel.

Founding Father, creator of the Bank of the US, presidential nominee, and duel challenger. Only a Capricorn could do all of this. Really though, he died in a duel.

Shonda Rhimes

Cheers to the queen who OWNS Thursday nights. Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away With Murder would not be possible without her brilliant mind and business prowess. She's a single mom of three and her book, Year of Yes: How to Dan…

Cheers to the queen who OWNS Thursday nights. Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away With Murder would not be possible without her brilliant mind and business prowess. She's a single mom of three and her book, Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In The Sun, and Be Your Own Person, explains the best way to empower yourself. Shonda is truly an inspiring Capricorn and businesswoman. 

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama needs little to no explanation. She's married to the leader of the free world, who happens to be a Leo. Michelle and Barack Obama are the ultimate #couplegoals, She is a fashion icon, a strong mother, and an advocate for all things ed…

Michelle Obama needs little to no explanation. She's married to the leader of the free world, who happens to be a Leo. Michelle and Barack Obama are the ultimate #couplegoals, She is a fashion icon, a strong mother, and an advocate for all things education and health. Maybe one day, we can all be as great as perfect Capricorn Michelle Obama.

We owe so much to our Capricorn business leaders. They work nonstop, but are loyal and are always there to be mentors. No one can go wrong with a Capricorn business mind by their side.

New Years Resolutions According to Each Sign

Aliza Faragher

Ah...New Years Resolutions: the promise we make ourselves at the end of the year that only tend to actually last about a week. Maybe two, if you're extra dedicated (ahem, Capricorn). At this rate, we all still have a few days left of sticking to our new resolutions before falling back into old routines.  

Aries: Be more patient

Taurus: Start composting

Gemini: Don't be afraid of feelings

Cancer: Chill out, worry less

Leo: More vintage shopping

Virgo: Keep it simple

Libra: Join an improv team

Scorpio: Run a marathon (or half)

Sagittarius: Tell a joke a day

Capricorn: Get that promotion


Aquarius: Make at least 5 new friends

Pisces: Accomplish at least 1 goal / dream

Bachelor Ben is a Pisces-Aries Cusp and This is Why It's Important

Aliza Faragher

TV always takes a turn for the best when a new season of "The Bachelor" comes back. On Monday, January 4, the newest season of "The Bachelor" aired and heartthrob Ben Higgins met 28 women who are vying for his giant Midwestern heart. 

Unfortunately, Bachelor Ben was sent home in the final 3 during Katelyn's season, but now is his time for a love renaissance. Speaking of renaissance, Ben Higgins' birthday is March 23, which makes him a Pisces-Aries cusp, also known as "the cusp of rebirth". When will he be more Pisces and when will his true Aries nature shine? Let the games and tears begin.

Ben is about to embark on a new quest for love and begin a new life with his ~hopefully~ future wife

Let the drunk fights begin!

Let the drunk fights begin!

The Cusp of Rebirth indicates strong mental and personal understanding 

After all, you gotta be mentally strong to deal with all those drunk ladies

After all, you gotta be mentally strong to deal with all those drunk ladies

People in this cusp tend to have a ton of friends (and in Ben's case, girlfriends)

Plus, he's easy on the eyes.

Plus, he's easy on the eyes.

Ben is sensitive, combining both Pisces care and Aries emotional volatility 

We're here if you need a hug, Ben.

We're here if you need a hug, Ben.

The Cusp of Rebirth is all about passion, which is a necessary trait for any good Bachelor

Explaining all your passions is a great way to make the women fall in love with you even more.

Explaining all your passions is a great way to make the women fall in love with you even more.

We know this season will be top notch with a set of hot twins, 2 previous Bachelor returners, and a "chicken enthusiast" (she's probably a Taurus). We expect only the best of the best for our dashing Bachelor Ben and hope he friends a rebirth of love.

5 Reasons Why We Love Capricorn

Aliza Faragher

Mountain Goat season is finally upon us! Capricorns are one of the most intense signs of the zodiac because they are notorious for being leaders, winners, and the hardest workers. They're great friends and family members, just don't get in their way up the mountain. Cheers and happy birthday to all the Capricorns out there!

1. They're the most ambitious

2. Capricorns always commit 110%

3. Capricorns are insanely smart

4. They're great friends and are always supportive

5. all of our favorite brits

Proof: Dame Maggie Smith, Eddie Redmayne, David Bowie, Zayne AND Louis from 1D, and, of course, Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton.

Is Anyone Surprised that DJ Khaled is a Sagittarius?

Aliza Faragher

Up until relatively recently, DJ Khaled was just another name featured on a rap song, along with his infamous "DJ KHAAALED" yell before the first verse. DJ Khaled, however, has taken the Snapchat and social media world by storm. If you haven't already started following him on Snapchat, do so immediately. If you don't have a Snapchat, fear not! DJ Khaled's Instagram features many of the same videos seen on his MyStory.

Sagittarius season is quickly coming to a close, and DJ Khaled has turned into the Sag we never knew we needed. Once you realize DJ Khaled is a Sagittarius, everything makes more sense. 

He's super philosophical and gives new meaning to #blessed and bless up


He's a free and wild spirit who loves adventure, especially when it comes to jet skiing


He cares a lot about his appearance

He's extremely positive

DJ Khaled ain't afraid to tell you the truth

Like any good fire sign, he loves winning

It is abundantly clear that the real key to success is following DJ Khaled on all forms of social media. Live and love his inspiration, just don't get lost at sea.

Who Will Win Survivor: Second Chance, as Predicted by Zodiac Signs

Aliza Faragher

Survivor has been one of the top reality shows on TV for 30 seasons, and with good reason. This addictive show leaves you emotionally invested in your favorite and least favorite players, hoping your top pick will be the one to "Outwit, Outlast, Outplay" the others. This season of Survivor: Second Chance has been a season of redemption and backstabbing, blindsides and alliances. While we all mourn the loss of Joe's chiseled abs and perfectly curled and man-bunned hair, the final 6 are a strong bunch. Here's our analysis on who has a better chance of winning, based on the stars (list in no particular order).

Jeremy: April 20, Aries-Taurus Cusp

These are two powerful signs for Jeremy, the strongest man in the game. He uses his Aries leadership to show his dedication to his alliance and always try his best in every challenge. It was so Taurus of him to sacrifice one of his hidden immunity idols for Fishbach. That put a target on Jeremy's back, but he knows how to use his Aries social skills to get other people voted out instead. Jeremy definitely has a strong chance of winning because of his loyal alliances. Aries need to win, and that drive has Jeremy going til the end.

Keith: August 16, Leo

It's not surprising that Keith is a Leo. He is one of the toughest competitors and always does extremely well in challenges, despite his age and appearance. Keith's pet peeves include "loafers", which is literally the most Leo thing to say. As Leo the lion, Keith never gives up and doesn't go down without a fight. As king of the proverbial jungle, he has the hunger to win, but chances are he won't because the Tasha-Jeremy-Spencer alliance might vote him out before he can make final 2 or 3.

Tasha: January 3, Capricorn

Throughout this entire season, Tasha is the force to be reckoned with. She runs the women's alliance, but also has strong connections with Jeremy and Spencer. As a Capricorn, she wants to make it to the top all by herself. She runs the game independently, a classic mountain goat trait. Capricorns are dedicated to others and also the hardest workers. Tasha can make it to the very end, as long as she keeps her alliances in check and doesn't kick anyone off the mountain while she tries to run up it herself.

Kimmi: November 11, Scorpio

Who???? Kimmi has flown completely under the radar this season. I mean, really, how has she actually made it this far?! She isn't much of a power player, which is surprising for a Scorpio. Kimmi's one main strength is that she knows where to ally herself. She wants the all-women alliance to make it to the end, but there's no way she can or will beat Tasha, Jeremy, or really anyone else. Kimmi's Scorpio power is nowhere to be seen, unless she unleashes something really surprising during the season finale.

Spencer: June 12, Gemini

It makes a lot of sense that Spencer is a Gemini. He knows when to talk and when to back off. He's an extremely strong competitor and very analytical, two major Gemini traits. He really knows how to channel the "outwit" of the Survivor motto. Spencer has connections with every player, which brings out his Gemini nature. He knows what important decisions to make about voting people out at tribal council without making too many people angry. Spencer definitely has a strong chance of making it to final 3, but we know he won't get Chaos Kass' vote.

Kelley Wentworth: June 7, Gemini

Once again, Kelley being a Gemini is no shocker. She really knows how to work the double personality. First of all, let's take a sec to remember the time she BLINDSIDED Savage and used her hidden immunity idol. Kelley started at the bottom with her alliance to Ciera and Abi, but now she's here. The other idol she found definitely makes her a strong candidate to make it to the final 4 at least. She works her two personalities very well, but that could come back to stab her in the back.

The Jury

Abi: October 21, Libra

Joe: September 30, Libra

Fishbach: January 24, Aquarius

Ciera: March 5, Pisces

Wigglesworth: June 24, Cancer

Savage: July 29, Leo

Chaos Kass: November 8, Scorpio

Jeff Probst: November 4, Scorpio